President’s Message
Our President

Cheri Frank
Cheri Frank has been a member since 2006, belonging to St. Margaret’s parish in North Buffalo and is also a member of the Timon Conference. She is currently a Eucharistic Minister, former parish council secretary, counter of weekly offerings and religious education teacher.
President’s Message
Fellow Vincentians and Friends of the Society,
My fellow Vincentians and friends of the Society,
It has been a very rewarding experience becoming your president in July 2022. I continue to strive to walk in the footsteps of so many Vincentian Servant Leaders. My work cannot be done without the dedicated support, compassion, and fellowship I receive every day from you!
The work that we do is vital to so many less fortunate friends that we visit or see throughout our travels in Western New York. As St. Vincent has said “The poor will always be with us.” These people have relied on the Society of St. Vincent de Paul for help for over 175 years and with your help, we have answered the call. I ask that you continue to do all that you can with what you have.
Remember that we have many good works going on in our Diocese including our Dining Room, Discount Store and Client Assistance Program at the Central Office. There are several conference-run food pantries throughout the area and a Discount Store in Olean. All these good works welcome donations and volunteers throughout the year. Please be generous with your time, your possessions and yourself in our mission of charity.
Feel free to contact me with suggestions or if you would like me to visit your conference.
Blessings to all and a big thank you for all you do,
Cheri Frank