In addition to the Discount Store and the Dining Room, the Society also is involved in hospital visitations, prison ministry, shut-in visitations, home repairs, and schooling assistance. At St. Vincent de Paul Society, we believe that there is no act of charity which is foreign to them and no restrictions exist for who is to be aided. We are asking for your assistance in their effort to help the needy in Western New York. Your donation of food, clothing, housewares, and other items will help the Society to continue its work as visitors in Christ.
In Memory
If you would like to make a donation In Memory of a loved one who has passed away, please send us the name of the person the donation is in memory of as well as the address of the family so we can share your gift with them.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is also happy to accept financial donations. All Financial Donations assist our ministry in covering overhead costs, purchasing food, and assisting in expanding our services.
For more information on donating feel free to e-mail us or call us at (716) 882-3360.
You may also contribute using Donor Perfect which also features a secure and confidential transaction method to help the Society. Thank you for without your gifts of time, talent or treasure our good works would not be possible!
What We Accept
Vincentians frequently experience (or hear of others’ experience) with our Store pick-up service that donated items were refused by the dispatcher or the driver. Attitudes may have developed that our operation is “picky” or does not have a need for merchandise. Neither of these is true, but the fact is that there are a number of things that we cannot accept for a variety of reasons beyond our control. Non-working appliances with Freon (refrigerators, air conditioners, etc.) require an expensive procedure required by the government to remove the Freon before scrapping. Tires have a charge for disposal. In addition older style televisions and computer monitors require costly recycling procedures so we can no longer accept CRT style electronic devices. And finally, some items just do not have a use or value.
United Way Donor Information
The St. Vincent DePaul Society can be designated as a recipient of your donation to the United Way. The United Way campaign begins in the early fall. When you receive your donor card, in the appropriate spot, indicate that you would like your donation to go to the St. Vincent DePaul Society. Our United Way Donor code # is 80600 if you would like to use that as well.
In addition, federal and state employees can donate to the Society through the CFC and SEFA campaigns that are held especially for them to participate in at this time of the year. The Society’s CFC #29937 or SEFA # 57019 can be used to designate donations to our organization in those instances.
Please tell your family and friends that this option is available to them to help our good works. We appreciate all that have used this process as a vehicle to donate close to $9,149 to us in the past year.