Personal Care Closet

Recognizing a significant need in the community, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has opened a Personal Care Closet at its 1298 Main St. location in Buffalo. It will be open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., on the third Thursday of every month. WIC and SNAP recipients may visit once every three months to receive up to five different items at no cost, including personal hygiene items for men, women, and children, baby products, and household items.

“I went on a home visit and the woman I was assisting told me that she used a bar of soap for cleaning herself, doing her dishes and washing her clothes, because that’s what she could afford,” said Society Board President Cheri Frank. “That’s when I knew we had to help folks with personal hygiene items for not only their well-being but to provide for the shear dignity they deserve.”

Picture ID and programs cards are required for registration. Stock items may differ based on availability. Guests may choose items from an inventory list that could include:

Men and women’s personal hygiene products, baby oil, baby powder, tearless baby shampoo, diapers, bandages, razors and shaving gel, dish soap, deodorant, and handwipes.

The society is accepting product donations as well as cash to purchase items.

Donations can be made at our offices during normal business hours.

Donate on line by clicking this link Donations

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