Planned Giving
Because We’ve Been Given So Much…
As a friend of the Society of St. Vincent DePaul you’re probably among the more than 90% of Americans who donate time or money to non-profit organizations. But did you know that only about 5% of all people remember these organizations when planning the distribution of their estate upon passing? Planned giving provides an excellent opportunity for you to leave a legacy of your own. As a supporter of the Society’s mission, we would be very pleased to work with you to make arrangements that work best for you and your family.
Everyone at the Society of St. Vincent DePaul is very appreciative of your support. We hope that this information makes you aware of a very special way to leave a legacy of your own by supporting an organization that means so much to you. By either viewing below, or downloading from the link provided, you can read a brief synopsis of the different type of gifts, the form that the gifts can come in and how they benefit certain groups.
Thank you!
Methods of Giving
Outright Gift
Form of Gift
- Cash, Stocks/Securities
- Real Estate, Insurance Vehicles
Benefit to St. Vincent de Paul Society
- Perpetual Income
- Interest income potential
Your Benefits
- Income tax deduction
- No capital gains tax on appreciated gifts
Form of Gift
- Cash, Real Estate, Personal
- Property, Percentage or Remainder of Estate designated by the donor
Benefit to St. Vincent de Paul Society
- Immediate benefit to Society
- Bequest may be held in perpetuity and invested to fund Society needs
Your Benefits
- Possible estate tax deduction
- Opportunity to make a perpetual gift
Charitable Gift
Form of Gift
- Cash, Stocks/Securities
Benefit to St. Vincent de Paul Society
- Upon the death of the donor or last
Your Benefits
- Guaranteed fixed income for life
Form of Gift
- Real Estate
Benefit to St. Vincent de Paul Society
- Surviving annuitant, remaining assets generate interest income for Society
Your Benefits
- Portion of income is tax-free
- Income tax deduction
- Reduction of estate taxes
Insurance Policies
Form of Gift
- Name Society as policy owner and/or beneficiary
Benefit to St. Vincent de Paul Society
- Society receives full face value of policy upon death of the donor, or may receive current surrender value prior to donor’s death
Your Benefits
- Opportunity to make substantial future gift to Society at current manageable cost
- Income tax deduction for value of the policy when transferred
- Premium payments may be deducted as gifts
Retirement Plan/IRA
Form of Gift
- Name Society as beneficiary of death benefit
Benefit to St. Vincent de Paul Society
- Significant gift upon death of donor
Your Benefits
- Opportunity to make major gift
- Estate and income tax savings
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an estate? I don’t have a lot of money or property!
“Estate” is simply a word describing any money or belongings you have at the time of your death. Most people have an estate, even if they are not wealthy. Anyone can leave a gift to the St. Vincent DePaul Society, as well as to their family.
What is a bequest?
A gift passed on to another, as in a will; something that is bequeathed; a legacy.
How do I leave a gift to the Society?
Most people give by leaving a charitable gift in a will or trust, or by naming the Society of St. Vincent DePaul Central Council as a beneficiary of an insurance policy or retirement plan such as an IRA. Some people donate something they own, like a car, coin collection, or their home. Others leave a paid-up life insurance policy, retirement account or their financial investments.
Do I tell the Society that I’ve left a gift to them in my will?
That’s up to you. Charitable organizations prefer that you let them know about gifts in advance. This way, they can recognize your generosity and possibly use your support to encourage others to do the same.
Who can help me in making a gift to the Society?
A professional advisor, such as a financial planner, an attorney, or an accountant, will get you off on the right foot by advising you on the various ways in which you can make a gift. According to the laws of New York State, an attorney should prepare your final will or estate plan.
Can I leave a gift in memory of a special person or for a specific purpose?
A charitable gift is a wonderful way to recognize someone who made a difference in your life. You may also want to contribute to a special area of need at the Society. This kind of memorial gift can be specified in your will.
Why should I leave a gift?
You truly will leave a legacy by supporting the St. Vincent DePaul Society through a will or estate. Your generosity could play a major role in the development and growth of the Society for years to come.